Saturday, October 18, 2008

What I've been up to lately (pt2)

So apparently I'm only allowed to post so much? Oh well, TO CONTINUE!!!

This is Hanna-chan and Anna looking like total kankoukyakus (tourists) at Mihama. It was late and people were giving us weird looks. But if you don't know, that's old style Okinawan wear.

Here's me on this one Jp dude's bike... I forgot his name, but he had a sick bike. :P

Here's Jai and I playing the taiko drum game at an amusement game when I went to go spend the night/hang out at CC Ginowan Bible College.

Here's my little Mister Doughnut "set" that I had today. (Ahhh... one of the many reasons for me being so chubs....) Anna and I went to go shopping at the Max Value mini mall in Yomitan. I got some super cute hot pink headphones for the Ipod nano that I'm ordering... tomorr- well I guess today? I'll post pics of that later.

Later this evening we went to the Youth Xtra that we had at Wago Family Fun Land. I drove our van which was full of High School boys... that was ....well, it was interesting. Anyways, this jar of kitkats was in a drink vending machine. The jar was actually made of glass, so I took a pic of it.

Here's me taking a pic of Maria when she's taking a pic of me... or is it the other way around? We're in a kareoke box in Wago Family Funland. I have some pics of peeps in this box singing Disney songs, ...but they were too funny to post! Sorry~!

Here's Katie-san and Kiara engaged in a ping pong death match. Not really. Actually the game between Me vs. Kiara+Anna was more of a death match except that I totally killed them 20-7. Heh. :D The preteens have much to learn in the way of the table tennis.

This is Anna and Kiara singing more J-pop Boy band (yuck!) kareoke. Kiara wouldn't let me take pics of her face this time.... sad..

Anna and I singing a duet and being dorky as ever.

When I got home from all the excitement I found this cute guy on my car. I love them.
So, as you can see, I pretty much keep myself really busy. But I guess that's good. Otherwise I'd be LAZY. You can ask my mom, she'd totally vouch. I leave you with another daily verse~! Oyasumi~!

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
James 1:21

What I've been up to lately

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been SUPER busy with work and and church and well, life? But I have brought a million photoshopped pics with me~!

Kiara slept over so the three of us headed over to Big Echo in Mihama to do some kareoke! I'm always one for competition, so we made interesting Batsu game. In our Batsu game each person had to pick a song (one round english two rounds japanese) for a person to sing (we determined who by clockwise, counterclockwise, etc.) and whoever got the lowest points on their song for that round (the kareoke machine decides how well you sing with points of course) had to drink the Batsu game drink. We had a all you can drink soft drink bar for free so we got creative. We ended up with this:

It was a mix of coffee, ketchup, hot water, ginger ale, orange drink, green tea, syrup, and dairy creamer. Yeah, ew, right? Kiara had to drink this for the second round. We each ended up drinking one.

This pic is when Hanna-chan was staying at our house and we were being random. If you can't tell, we're using our hair to make mustaches. :P

This is one of the beaches we went to with Hanna-chan. Okinawa=totally beautiful~!

This was also at that beach. Anna found what has to be the tiniest hermit crab I've ever seen. It was so small that the *wind* kept blowing it off her hand!

I almost tripped over this while looking for seaglass. It totally freaked me out. I think I squeaked and jumped up about a foot in the air, but that's enough about me. It wasn't dead for too long so it looked like it was just hanging out on the sand.

I was debating whether or not to upload this one because I look TOTALLY CHUBS! Anyways, it's a good pic because we had an awesome time hanging out with Hanna-chan and the Longoria sisters. We had some UEBER food at their house (of which I totally should've gotten a pic of!), played Wii, and ate snacks until we were too sleepy.