Sunday, March 1, 2009

Woah! I'm updating!

I thought the next time I would update would be on my new laptop, but unfortunately... Aafes SUCKS. Anyways, hmm.... what should I make you read about? I've been working a lot lately which makes me extremely tired (substitute teachers really get to see the worst of kids). But it's okay, my job is extremely gratifying and I love it. I recently went on a trip over Valentine's/Presidents' Day weekend to an Island called Izena which is off the main island of Okinawa. It was too much fun. Our crew met up with an awesome Swedish missionary named Karl and his family. It was a great time of fellowship and definitely a much needed get away for me. On our last day five of us tried to go to a smaller island called Iheya to deliver Bibles. We boarded a small fishing vessel and were rocked by the massive waves. You may think that I'm exaggerating "massive" but I kid you not we almost capsized. I really hated the ferry ride on the way to Izena, but that small boatride was increda-fun! I think it's because the ferry is much larger so it makes me feel like I'm on an airplane (I'm aviophobic). Anyways, here's some pics!

Organic bread from La Mer cafe that's right around the corner from our new house.

Soup and Salad from the La Mer lunch buffet.
Salad: Poke!
Soup: ...Stop it!

This is basically a video of how freaked out I am on our way to Izena Island. So freaked out in fact, I say "But that's okay." ....twice. Do I _really_ sound like that?