Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Funday!

Can you tell that I couldn't think of a title? Lol, anyways. Yesterday I went to church super early so that I could serve in our church's wonderful worship team. I had a blast as per usual hanging out with my peeps at church and just praising and learning more about our gnarly God. After church I got to hang out with cool Hanna-chan. I asked her what she'd like to see and she just kind of shrugged and said everything. First we started with food...
I took her to my favorite Okinawa soba-ya on island. It's called Umi-ga-mieru-soba-ya (Soba restaurant where you can see the ocean-very specific ne?). Hungry yet? The owner's are super sweet which makes the visit even better~!Here's Hanna-chan eating the soba. After that we walked along the seawall to look at the beautiful waves that the typhoon was creating. I looked at them and made a comment that maybe I'd appreciate them even more if I was a surfer. Hanna pointed out how close the waves were to the breakers. I probably get really hurt trying to do that. :(Afterwards we went to Mihama or American Village to do the stereotypical girl pastime of SHOPPING. But first we wanted to ride the ferris wheel.
This was our car, number 14. While waiting to get on I asked Hana:
"Hey, do you think that there's airconditioning in there? I know the one in Odaiba has airconditioning in it... so maybe this one does too?" It was really hot outside.

So we get on....Airconditioning?
Inside we look around and find one paper/plastic fan..... attatched to a string. We totally cracked up.

That's one of the views from the ferris wheel. I'll upload the video I took tomorrow when I have a little more time. The arrow is pointing at my tiny toy car.
Next we went to Quickly's to get some Honey Milk Tea with Tapioca Pearls. We got it for free because I had two filled up point cards. :)
After a lot of shopping and some Starbucks, we went to Calvary Chapel Ginowan for their evening service or W2. For some reason this picture ended up super blurry... Anywho, these gals are totally great and on fire for God. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them some more in the future~!
Well, I think that's it for me tonight. I need to get a little shut-eye before work otherwise I'm going to be cranky. Tomorrow I'm going to have to blog again because I must tell the world of the fun time Anna and I had today. :P I shall leave you with a verse for now, Oyasumi~~~~! <3 id="dbv-content">The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-19


oki4jesus said...

hey, I love your blog design. It's so cool! Thanks for all your help with the worship song stuff! See you later!

pastor rick