Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving??? Hmm... I'd have to say firstly, God. He's awesome and always there for me even though I'm not always there for Him. Even so, He's helping me become a better person every day. So, hopefully I can be of more use to Him more and more each year! :)
Second, my family. They're always there ...because I live with them! Lol, jk jk. Seriously though, I'm definitely thoroughly blessed by my family. We may not always see eye-to-eye but in the end, God's growing us all.
Third my friends and especially my bros and sisters in Christ. Thank you to you all!!! Wow... doesn't this sound like an acceptance speech? Lol, I need to stop with the mushies and on to what I've been up to, huh? :P
It was my brother's birthday on the 17th. Our family has a tradition that the bday person gets to pick whatever they want to eat the entire day and then for dindin, we all eat dinner together at their restaurant of choice. Henry wanted Chili's so we went there. He ate a sirloin steak. Doesn't he look totally pleased with himself?
This is what I ate. It was Chicken Club Fajitas I think. They were okay, I guess.
This is the family (minus me... I'm taking the pic) singing happy bday. All the kids pick Baskin Robbin's ice cream cake for their bdays. Tasty~! Do you see what looks to be a Christmas present in the back? Yeah, that's his bday present. We just ran out (or never buy) Birthday wrapping paper, so we used Christmas wrapping paper instead. Are we the only ones who do this? hmmm....
Last Friday was the Jp Women's Thanksgiving edition Fellowship. On the way there there was a lamp post that cast a curious shadow in the shape of a cross. Thankfully I had my camera with me. You kinda have to wonder how many people would actually notice something like this? I think God blessed us with something cool on the way there because we were tired in order to encourage us! ^.^
I made the turkey for the Jp Women's Fellowship. I tried a new turkey marinade recipe the night before and it turned out to be AWESOME! The turkey was so juicy and succulent! I was really worried because I wanted everyone to enjoy the turkey. But, I think I'll be using this recipe for many Thanksgivings to come!
This is a pic of the Fellowship hall with all the peeps from the Jp Women's fellowship and the Girls' Bible Study.
Basically same thing, different angle. We had a glorious time the Jp Women's Fellowship~! Since we didn't have to worry about the parking, some of us stayed late and ended up leaving around 11. Good times~
That night Kiara spent the night and the following evening we went on base to skateboard. The first place we went wasn't ideal. It was on a huge incline so you'd go faster than you'd want to... very very quickly. We searched for another place and for about an hour couldn't find one. Then we "happened" upon a brand new, freshly paved parking lot with NO cars. It was funny because we were looking for Ryukyu Middle School, but for the life of me, I couldn't find it even though I drive past it almost every day. We were all in agreement that God blessed us with probably the best place to skate on base. Isn't He awesome?!? Anyways this is Kiara lookin' awesome while skating.
This is Anna looking awesome on her skateboard. I was having a lot of fun taking pics. Of course I played around on my longboard too. I'm getting a lot better. Ie: Not falling as much. :P
The next day Halleluyah came over to hang out for a bit. So we decided to go on base and skate again~. Of course, I brought my camera to take more pics. This is all of us and our Daigo (the celebrity grandson of ex-Prime Minister Daigo) ウイッシュ[uisshu] pose.
This is our "gangsta" pose. Yeah, we're all Japanese who grew up in Japan, so it's a little sad. I'm trying to rep LA and failing so miserably. I apologize to anyone from California in advance. (T_T)
This last skate pic is awesome in the fact that... well, look at Halleluyah!!! Man, I wish I had that kind of balance and upper body strength to do a handstand on a SKATEBOARD!!! ...Okay, so we took a few pics of ourselves. I'm pretty sure if someone was watching us (as creepy as that would be) they'd be SO amused at us.
OK. I think that's enough posting for now. I'm REALLY sleepy. I'll probably edit some of the videos and pics that I took on Thanksgiving... later today. Breaks always go so fast! Be safe out there on Black Friday's crazy shopping and for those of you in a different time zone from me, stay safe on Thanksgiving~! I'll now leave you with a daily verse from Christnotes.org! God bless~!
Whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith--the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter 1:8-9
New King James Version
Friday, November 28, 2008
This past week~+ Happy Thanksgiving~!!!!
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Random quiz thingee instead of studying for my exams.
I'm totally procrastinating having to do all of my school work. I'll post some pics later because I'll have to edit them before posting them and that takes a little time. Time that I don't have right now... (T.T) When will I learn not to procrastinate my schoolwork?!?!?!?
6 Random Facts
1. My favorite food is unagi.
2. I was born in Yokota AB.
3. I'm double jointed in my fingers and can pop my thumbs out of socket. (Isn't that two facts???? ....hm....
4. I'm an avid anime-r/gamer.
5. I love to skateboard but am not that good at it.
6. I've only been in Okinawa for a year.
5/5 Lists (I had no idea what else to call this)
10 Years Ago:
1. I was 11.
2. I was one of the "popular" girls in my class. (heh).
3. It was 1998.
4. I hated Nsync and Backstreet boys while everyone else loved them.
5. I really didn't know what anime was. (gasps!)
5 Things on Today's "To Do" List
1. Make more coffee.
2. Go to class early.
3. Take my Mid-term exam for my business class.
4. Take my "mini-test" for my upper level compy class.
5. Do some JP Lang studying
5 Things that I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Go to any college that I want to.
2. Buy my parents a house.
3. Travel the world.
4. Pay for my sister's college.
5. Give 75% of my moneys to missionaries who need my moneys more than I do.
5 Places I have lived:
1. Berlin, Germany.
2. Enid, OK
3. Marysville, CA.
4. Tokyo, Japan
5. Moore, OK
5 Jobs I have had:
1. Lawn cutter
2. Baby sitter (that was VERY infrequent. I REALLY don't like babysitting)
3. Waitress at a pie/country resteraunt
4. English teacher
5. Video rental store staff person
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My random goings-on
Here are my random goings-on~:
This is at the Japanese Women's Fellowship from October. Lisa and I won the "who can remember all of the names from last month's meeting?" game. So here's us holding our prizes. I guess Mariko wins too since she's got the Word of God. :)
This is a lovely plate of my very awesome gyouza. It's crunchy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Yummy~!
This is the sunrise from on top of our house. I like to imagine God just kind of brushstroking the clouds in...
A beautiful hibiscus from the garden in our front lawn right after it rained.
Anna and Cassandra goofin' off at Dragon Palace in Mihama during Cassandra's bday party. I forgot where everyone else was when I took this... hmm...
This is one of my favorite purikura (sticky pics) that we took. I decorated it. :) And does anyone know where Cassandra is?
As you can see, I pretty much do a lot of stuffs. Right now I'm super busy with school. Both of my classes are upper level. Which, of course, means lots and lots of papers to write. Blah. Keep me in your prayers as I consider the Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. They've got a Japanese majors program that I really want to partake in. However, as most of you know, the cost of living in Hawaii is crazy. So, I guess we'll see what God does with it, eh? :) He never fails to astound me with something awesome. I'll leave you with a daily verse from Christnotes.org:
Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You!
Psalm 119:11 (Read all of Psalm 119)
New King James Version
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sometimes when people come to our house, we like to hit them in the face...
Actually we only like to hit them in the face on Wii boxing! :P One of my favorite things to do when we have company over is to bust out some of my Nintendo Wii games. The favored game is Wii Sports because relatively anyone can play it (for the most part) without any real skill. However, if you want to play Smash Bros., please bring your A-game because my Pikachu dominates. :D Here's a clip of some peeps who came over to play (Wii Boxing). It took me a while because the file has to be less than 100 MB to upload. So after editing and editing now the video quality isn't as good as I had originally had hoped. Oh well~!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What I've been up to lately (pt2)
So apparently I'm only allowed to post so much? Oh well, TO CONTINUE!!!
This is Hanna-chan and Anna looking like total kankoukyakus (tourists) at Mihama. It was late and people were giving us weird looks. But if you don't know, that's old style Okinawan wear.
Here's me on this one Jp dude's bike... I forgot his name, but he had a sick bike. :P
Here's Jai and I playing the taiko drum game at an amusement game ...place... when I went to go spend the night/hang out at CC Ginowan Bible College.
Here's my little Mister Doughnut "set" that I had today. (Ahhh... one of the many reasons for me being so chubs....) Anna and I went to go shopping at the Max Value mini mall in Yomitan. I got some super cute hot pink headphones for the Ipod nano that I'm ordering... tomorr-
Later this evening we went to the Youth Xtra that we had at Wago Family Fun Land. I drove our van which was full of High School boys... that was ....well, it was interesting. Anyways, this jar of kitkats was in a drink vending machine. The jar was actually made of glass, so I took a pic of it.
Here's me taking a pic of Maria when she's taking a pic of me... or is it the other way around? We're in a kareoke box in Wago Family Funland. I have some pics of peeps in this box singing Disney songs, ...but they were too funny to post! Sorry~!
Here's Katie-san and Kiara engaged in a ping pong death match. Not really. Actually the game between Me vs. Kiara+Anna was more of a death match except that I totally killed them 20-7. Heh. :D The preteens have much to learn in the way of the table tennis.
This is Anna and Kiara singing more J-pop Boy band (yuck!) kareoke. Kiara wouldn't let me take pics of her face this time.... sad..
Anna and I singing a duet and being dorky as ever.
When I got home from all the excitement I found this cute guy on my car. I love them.
So, as you can see, I pretty much keep myself really busy. But I guess that's good. Otherwise I'd be LAZY. You can ask my mom, she'd totally vouch. I leave you with another daily verse~! Oyasumi~!
Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
James 1:21
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 1:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: bike, college, ginowan, kareoke, mihama, mister doughnuts, wago, youth
What I've been up to lately
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been SUPER busy with work and and church and well, life? But I have brought a million photoshopped pics with me~!
Kiara slept over so the three of us headed over to Big Echo in Mihama to do some kareoke! I'm always one for competition, so we made interesting Batsu game. In our Batsu game each person had to pick a song (one round english two rounds japanese) for a person to sing (we determined who by clockwise, counterclockwise, etc.) and whoever got the lowest points on their song for that round (the kareoke machine decides how well you sing with points of course) had to drink the Batsu game drink. We had a all you can drink soft drink bar for free so we got creative. We ended up with this:
It was a mix of coffee, ketchup, hot water, ginger ale, orange drink, green tea, syrup, and dairy creamer. Yeah, ew, right? Kiara had to drink this for the second round. We each ended up drinking one.
This pic is when Hanna-chan was staying at our house and we were being random. If you can't tell, we're using our hair to make mustaches. :P
This is one of the beaches we went to with Hanna-chan. Okinawa=totally beautiful~!
This was also at that beach. Anna found what has to be the tiniest hermit crab I've ever seen. It was so small that the *wind* kept blowing it off her hand!
I almost tripped over this while looking for seaglass. It totally freaked me out. I think I squeaked and jumped up about a foot in the air, but that's enough about me. It wasn't dead for too long so it looked like it was just hanging out on the sand.
I was debating whether or not to upload this one because I look TOTALLY CHUBS! Anyways, it's a good pic because we had an awesome time hanging out with Hanna-chan and the Longoria sisters. We had some UEBER food at their house (of which I totally should've gotten a pic of!), played Wii, and ate snacks until we were too sleepy.
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday Funday!
Can you tell that I couldn't think of a title? Lol, anyways. Yesterday I went to church super early so that I could serve in our church's wonderful worship team. I had a blast as per usual hanging out with my peeps at church and just praising and learning more about our gnarly God. After church I got to hang out with cool Hanna-chan. I asked her what she'd like to see and she just kind of shrugged and said everything. First we started with food...I took her to my favorite Okinawa soba-ya on island. It's called Umi-ga-mieru-soba-ya (Soba restaurant where you can see the ocean-very specific ne?). Hungry yet? The owner's are super sweet which makes the visit even better~!
Here's Hanna-chan eating the soba. After that we walked along the seawall to look at the beautiful waves that the typhoon was creating. I looked at them and made a comment that maybe I'd appreciate them even more if I was a surfer. Hanna pointed out how close the waves were to the breakers. I probably get really hurt trying to do that. :(
Afterwards we went to Mihama or American Village to do the stereotypical girl pastime of SHOPPING. But first we wanted to ride the ferris wheel.
This was our car, number 14. While waiting to get on I asked Hana:
"Hey, do you think that there's airconditioning in there? I know the one in Odaiba has airconditioning in it... so maybe this one does too?" It was really hot outside.



Well, I think that's it for me tonight. I need to get a little shut-eye before work otherwise I'm going to be cranky. Tomorrow I'm going to have to blog again because I must tell the world of the fun time Anna and I had today. :P I shall leave you with a verse for now, Oyasumi~~~~! <3 id="dbv-content">The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-19
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 10:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
JP Women's Fellowship & Guitar Shopping
Yesterday was our monthly JP Women's Fellowship. I went for the first time last month (I'm not sure if it was the first time it was held... or not) and was totally *stoked* to get to hang out with my sisters in Christ again. As always we had fun eating, singing, playing games, some sort of devotion and of course fellowship. :) Kirei na Kristy-san shared her testimony and got to pray over one of the lovely women who wanted to know more about God.Here are the awesome McCord sisters which, of course, are Anna and myself. (Please excuse my not-wearing-make-up-ness. >.<) Today after worship practice I picked up Anna from the house and we went looking for a guitar for her out around gate 2 street of Kadena. We had too much fun people watching and looking at guitar and piano stuffs. Afterwards we went to the Baskin Robbins for some much needed ice cream. And of course, we got the new fall gigantic sundaes because.... that's how we roll. We both ordered the Chocolat Framboise (Chocolate Raspberry). I'm totally supposed to be on a diet but I will tell you that it was utterly WORTH it. :P
Yeah, I just pulled this pic from the JP Baskin Robbin's site. It was definitely a blessing. Anywho, Anna found a guitar she really liked but she's going to check Camp Foster's music store and pray before buying it.
Well, I need to iron my church clothes and get ready for bed now. I'll leave you with this daily verse from Christnotes.com. Until next time God bless~!
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baskin Robbins, Guitar, JP Women's Fellowship, September, Shopping
Hallo peeps~!
I decided to make a new blog since I really haven't had one since.... high school? I'll be posting the random things I do from day to day. Usually my posts will include a picture of some kind. Thanks for reading. God bless~!
Posted by h3iwaMKR at 6:06 PM 0 comments